Sometimes these movements of the Spirit are like a giant earthquake that you can't miss, but normally they are a soft gentle breeze and if you aren't paying attention you will miss out on the most glorious touch of the Spirit in your life. That is where I am right now in my life. The Spirit is moving and God is urging me to stop what I am doing and "know" his presence and work in my life. I just finished reading in Genesis 22:13-14 where Abraham calls the place where God called him to sacrifice Isaac and then provided a substitute, "God will provide." how often do I forget this crucial quality of my God...OF COURSE HE WILL PROVIDE!! I just forget. I lose sight of what a might awesome God he really is. Even more than that I often forget just how much he loves me.
Spirit, keep moving. Don't give up on me. Help me to stop and feel your gentle motions. Help me to know you more and to walk with your daily. Guide me.
Mags dear, we need to get together more often. <3